What is profiling?
Self understanding is the cornerstone of Emotional Intelligence. Psychometric profiling helps you to know and understand yourself; giving you an insight into your own behaviours and the opportunity to reflect upon those that are serving you well and those that are not.
The second level of Emotional Intelligence is learning how to understand other people and navigate your way through your personal and professional relationships more effectively. This understanding will help you to be more effective at home and at work.
Profiling is not putting you into a pigeon hole, it does not restrict you or define you; it's a tool for self awareness and self growth.
Profiling is most effective when delivered in a one on one context with a qualified coach however it is possible to offer a group debrief opportunity for organisations that prefer that option. Profiling debriefs are 60 minutes for a one on one session, a debrief will uncover potential future coaching opportunities.

How can profiling help your team?
Profiling helps to identify individual's competencies, strengths and communication preferences; some of our reports can be customised to your organisations requirements. When profiling is done as a team activity you can develop a group’s potential by growing together. Move your team faster through the stages of team development from forming through storming, onto norming and finally performing.
More job satisfaction
Less stress and sick leave
Happier teams
Better productivity
Less churn - people leaving
Less complaints
Watch the video to learn more about Extended DISC Profiling
Director, Marina Shearer
BSc. Psych, Dip Professional Coaching, Master Trainer HR Profiling Australasia
Our qualified and experienced coaches are passionate about people development. That's what drives them.
Profile Coaching guides individuals and teams through the often daunting process of professional development. We do it with professionalism, understanding and empathy. Our clients learn about themselves, and their team members and learn new communication tools. Through these new tools, they will improve their relationships and this will boost their productivity and performance. This leads to tolerance, reduced conflict, and greater harmony.
All while boosting your own self confidence.
Workplaces we've helped make better